Friday, May 22, 2009

Evaluarea de catre studenti a Masteratului pentru Traducerea Textului Literar Contemporan

EVALUAREA PROGRAMULUI de carte studenti din anii 2008, 2009


In 2007 I had been looking for a postgraduate course for some time but nothing seemed to meet my expectations or be useful for the work I was doing at that time. One day, a friend of mine showed me a webpage advertising an MA programme that boasted applied curricula, a variety of lectures and interesting lecturers. The Director and founder of the MA programme was a professor I had never met but whose books I had studied when preparing for my faculty admission exam. This is when everything began and what seemed at first 2 long years turned out to be 2 wonderful steps forward on my way to professionalism.
Why a state university? Despite the offer of the private universities, I chose a state (public) one because the very fact that you needed to take an exam in order to be admitted seemed a challenge (don’t be misled by the phrase “admission exam” used by some private universities – most of the time it is just about putting together a nice and ordered file rather than taking an exam per se).
From the first day I stepped in the university I engaged in a competition. The admission exam was a serious one, not a mere formality as it would be in a private university that is more interested in getting the right money than the right students. It consisted of two parts – a written exam and an oral one and it very much reminded me of the exams I had to take about 20 years ago, when I was admitted in the faculty. My “competitors” were serious themselves and I found it quite hard to be among those first to be admitted. But that was a good thing because I felt I was at the start line with the finest “word athletes” and the mere fact I was competing with them was rewarding.
Why not another subject? Because this seemed the most applied and varied one, trying to cover issues to help the graduates find a job, offering them real possibilities to get acquainted not only with fields of work but also with the best people who do those jobs. To be completely honest, the first thing that drew my attention was the subtitling course. It gave me the opportunity to meet one of my favourite subtitling expert, for she was the one who taught the course. There is so much you need to know about subtitling and, apart from a comprehensive approach and concrete guidelines, she also gave us hints of what an employer would expect from us, as candidates for a job in this field.
There were also a number of subjects that were not advertised but were included in the curriculum and the surprise I considered the most pleasant was the course about the Romanian language – register and style. The way this course was taught, the interactive method that was used and the way in which we, the students, were invited to take part in spotting, correcting, and clarifying texts in Romanian were all intellectually challenging.
Why this MA programme Director? Interestingly enough, the MA programme seemed to be the most flexible thing I have ever seen in the world of education. It continuously adjusted in order to keep us interested and meet our needs – the needs of young people trying to discover what they wanted to become, how they wanted to spend the next years of their careers. The Director of the MA programme continuously inquired about our expectations, our difficulties in getting a job, our hopes to put our knowledge to good use. And she altered the programme accordingly, bringing new people, experts, directors of publishing houses, literary agents, editors, professional translators, and authors to deliver lectures on subjects she felt or knew were of interest for us.
The changes were performed on a solid backbone that did not alter throughout the MA programme; they were more like fine tuning than modifying everything from the core outwards. These were changes that showed us that we mattered, that the MA programme was student-need-oriented rather than a theoretical product that had nothing to do with the real world.
Discussing with MA graduates from other subjects I could make a comparison and see very distinctly how important the role of the MA programme Director is when it comes to the curriculum, the professors, the scope, the target and even the pace of the MA programme. We were introduced to and automatically accepted in the “literary translations” discussion forum hosted by the MA programme Director. She seems to be there for the MA students round the clock, facilitating dialogue, encouraging their sharing opinions, advertising events related to translation and keeping the MA’s e-magazine going. The discussion forum opened the door to a world of fellow translators always willing to lend a helping hand with a difficult word. It was also a good conduit to find about internships that would allow you a test period with an employer to see whether that was what you wanted to do in the future.
On the other hand, the translation workshops - a “fixture” in the curriculum - were a face-to-face opportunity to share opinions and translation alternatives of the same contemporary texts. And the working sessions with English natives were a tremendous opportunity for us to check our sense of language.
Why was I right to choose this MA programme? Take a look at the figures: the first year it started, the programme was attended by about 15 students. The next year, there were 45 of us. The third year, there were 160 students. Therefore, while other MA programmes are striving to survive, this programme finds it difficult to cover all the demand. There is no secret here other than the continuous adjustment of this MA programme to what the labour market requires, to the needs of the students, as well as the dynamic and thoughtful involvement of its Director.

Gabriela Moldovan,
38, teacher and translator, MA - 2009


The Literary Translations Master? I found out about it on the Internet and it instantly appealed to me. Why? First of all, it was an English programme and although I was not a graduate from the Foreign Languages Faculty, English had always been one of my favourites. Then, among the numerous sections of the programme, I came across one that I found especially interesting – the subtitling section. Finally, I also came across something else: thoughts about the programme, expressed by people who were already ‘in’ it. According to their opinions, the programme was a very interesting and comprehensive one, organized by people who really cared both about what they were doing and about those they were doing it for.

I wondered if what those people were saying was true. Now, at the end of the first year of study, I can honestly say that it is definitely true. And I can also say that I am looking forward to the second year. I cannot wait to find out more about English literature and grammar, the structure of the contemporary text, the translation theory, text typology, discourse analysis, subtitling and interpreting.

One thing that I especially appreciate about this programme is the emphasis placed on the practical aspects of translation. As in any other field, practice makes perfect and here we have the chance to practice a lot, first of all through individual homework. But we also work in teams for various projects, and we work together during seminars, which represents a great opportunity for sharing ideas and opinions and for each of us to come up with our own versions of translation.

Another important aspect is the organization of communications among students: the Yahoo group created especially for our use is an excellent and quick way of sharing information on a range of subjects of interest to the majority – projects, opportunities, internships, homework, exams, etc.

I should also mention the great opportunities the programme offers in terms of internships. We have already had a number of chances to put our English knowledge and skills to work in various projects that will represent significant advantages in our future endeavours of seeking employment in the translations field. Moreover, the chances we’ve had of discussing with professionals in a variety of areas linked to the translations world have helped us gain useful ‘inside information’ and make informed decisions regarding our future career choices.

Additionally, the courses and seminars we have with native English speakers truly help us refine our English skills and give answers to a lot of our questions regarding different meanings of certain words and expressions, cases in which a certain synonym should be used instead of another, thus helping us have a better understanding of hidden meanings and achieve a better revealing of such meanings in our translations.

Most teachers’ approach to the educational process, their relaxed way of approaching the teacher - student relationship are also things worth mentioning, as such approaches widely encourage the expression of personal opinions and ideas, generating a creative atmosphere during courses and seminars.

All things considered, I believe that the programme offers excellent opportunities for developing one’s skills in the translations field. The abilities gained here, in a professional environment, with excellent teachers and learning materials, will certainly prove to be great assets for us in our attempts of pursuing a career in translations. And we will hopefully become true professionals in this area.

Silvia Bratu,
Economist, Adviser – Ministry of Regional Development and Housing
Graduation year: 1996; admission to MA programme: 2008
Age: 35


I found out about this MA programme when I took some summer courses at the University. I liked the fact that it was an MA focused on translations, and translations are for me a job as well as a hobby. The organization of the programme was quite satisfactory, given that most of the attendants have job and the courses placed mainly late afternoon or in the evening were a good idea.
I was very interested in the subjects taught and I have learnt many new, interesting and useful things. It is a programme aware of the practical requirements f the labour market which prepares the students for a real and very interesting profession.
What I like most about the programme is that it is very open to new ideas, to the students’ suggestions and requests and also that it has a practical finality.
I can’t think of any suggestions I would like to make. As I said, the programme is continuously structuring according to the students’ opinions and needs, and that is all that it really needs.

30 years old
English teacher, at School 114
translator for television (PROTV) and publishing houses (RAO)
graduated in 2001, from Bucharest University


I graduated from university in 2008 and entered the MA programme in the same year.
I graduated from the University of Bucharest and I knew about the programme since my second year, when I studied contemporary literature with Mrs Vianu. I even participated at one of the internships, namely at Radio Romania Cultural since then and after my graduation I decided to continue.
Firstly, I liked the idea of literary translations, then the internships and thirdly, the fact that every semester we work with native speakers of English.
The organization is very carefully thought; in fact it is
the only MA programme that I know that has all its courses and seminars at the end of the day, no more than two a day. The advantage is that students can get a job and come to classes.
I enjoy the courses because the programme manages to put together successfully both subjects that focus on cultural knowledge, but also subjects that prepare us for a real job such as the subtitling course or the simultaneous translations course, or even the translations in general (different registers, different genres). But what is more important is that each such course has a sort of "backup", if I may call it so, in the internships or the work with representative people for each domain: Mr Dan Verona (from Radio Romania Cultural – the radio station), Mr Bogdan Stanescu (from TVR1 – TV channel), Mrs Adriana Bittel (from Romania Literara – cultural magazine), Mrs Miscov (from Teatrul Ion Creanga – theatre).
Moreover, everything we work at workshops is published. We are able to talk, ask and meet the poets and writers whom we translate and afterwards everything is published firstly in Translations Café, which is the virtual magazine of the programme, and secondly in different other magazines, anthologies or read at radio.
I particularly like to work at radio. Because I was hard working with the English translations, now I'm a permanent collaborator for Italian translations as well. This year, I have coordinated the recording sessions and I have been paid for my translations from Italian to Romanian.
This is the most difficult question, because I simply like the way things are, I work hard and I am confident that my work is not in vain, due to the fact that my translations have been published and appreciated.

student, 23 years old


I graduated from the university a couple of years ago and I have always wanted to continue my studies with an MA programme. I learnt about this MA on the Internet. All the other MAs offered by the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures were presented on the Internet but this particular one stuck out as it provided a comprehensive description of the curricula as well as the job opportunities after graduation. It was by far the best-organised and the entrance examination was the most accessible, i.e. it actually checked your English proficiency instead of making you search for books you might never find in order to be able to pass the entrance exam. I was not looking for the easiest way to get in, but for a logical and, I might say, student-friendly way.
As the programme was thoroughly presented on the Internet, I knew beforehand what to expect: from literary translations to subtitling, via grammar and vocabulary enhancement, everything spiced with some literature courses. As I have wanted to make the best of it (I am not exactly interested in only getting the final diploma) I have attended most courses and seminars. I have taken great interest in almost all the subjects (especially in literature courses and seminars led by native speakers). Even if the student is required to do a lot of translations, essays and portfolios, in the end you realise that your work is rewarding and worthwhile.
Probably what makes this MA stand out from the others is the internship system. For those who have never worked, it might be a good start. Generally speaking, no matter how good you are, if there is no one to open a door for you, you will never get too far. This is exactly what this MA does: it does not only teach you things, it also helps you find a direction, meet some people who may be content with your work and offer you future job opportunities (the programme has contacts with major publishing houses or important cultural magazines).
What I personally like about this MA, besides the afore mentioned aspects, is the enthusiasm of the coordinating professor and her awareness that it is no use preparing students for a limited area of British cultural studies but that they should be given as many opportunities as they are able to take.

Lorena Fota, 32,
English teacher at Unirea Highschool, Bucharest


MTTLC – A Brand Already?
I had been meaning to start some courses a year before MTTLC 2007 started. At first I did not know any courses in Bucharest, I could not choose the language I wanted to continue to study (I also speak Spanish), and I could not make up my mind what university I wanted to attend. After a lot of thinking I said to myself that it was best to go on with the same faculty I had graduated from nine years before, because I needed to practice English in a place where the other students had more or less the same level of English as mine and where I could meet very good professors, including English native speakers.
So I went to the headquarters on both Edgar Quinet Street and Pitar Mos Street to read any information that was posted on the panels there. I remember that the presentation that I read about MTTLC was the most interesting because it was very diverse, which meant that you would not waste time at school, that you would learn a lot, and all the things enumerated there were really useful: translation of contemporary literary texts (all the publishing houses need translations of such texts), subtitling (always a good way to earn some extra money in a pleasant way), activities with publishing houses, magazines, radio stations, TV channels, Internet (needless to say how pragmatic this is), and internships (a trampoline for any newly-graduate).
I went for it and once I knew what I wanted, I started to enthusiastically tell my friends about the MA programme I had chosen. One of my friends got so interested that she joined me in this two-year adventure. Now that all the courses have finished, we both feel our horizons are much larger than before.
However, I believe that this MA programme was not enough advertised: too little was said about it. If I were to make a list of all the things MTTLC offers it would much longer:

1. translation theory
2. text typology (newspaper articles, speeches, advertisements, essays, diaries, etc.)
3. translations of poetry – with English and Romanian native speakers
4. translations of drama – with English and Romanian native speakers
5. translations of short stories – with English and Romanian native speakers
6. translations of letters – with English and Romanian native speakers
7. Romanian language – register and style
8. English language – with English native speakers
9. subtitling
10. sight translation
11. creative writing
12. criticism of contemporary literature
13. internships (publishing houses, radio stations, etc.)
14. translations for magazines, anthologies and e-magazines (including in the MTTLC’s magazine, Translation Café) – necessary for a PhD student ‘wannabe’
15. e-forum (translation_cafe, whose members are also English native speakers, among whom Michael Swan)
16. cultural conferences
17. contacts with Romanian and English contemporary writers (face-to-face, via e-mail, video conferences at the British Council)
18. seminars with special guests (literary agents, editors, translators)
19. criticism of translations
20. proofreading

Bonus: a timetable to suit working MA students.
And I bet I have missed out something. But this is my idea of a more comprehensive, more realistic presentation of MTTLC – Bucharest.
What university graduates also ought to know is that you cannot possibly choose this MA programme without being ready for hard work. If you are not, be sure you will fail all the exams. No concessions are made; the professors want to make sure that only the students who know English very well, who read literature and understand it, who gather a lot of experience by translating dozens of pages will get the best marks. So the myth according to which you cannot possibly fail an exam in an MA course is (so) busted.
Besides hard work, the students’ presence in the seminars and courses is also obligatory. For a jobless newly-graduate, this combination of requirements should not be a problem. However, MA students with a job are happy, too, because the meetings with their professors are almost never placed in the period in which they are supposed to be working (8am-4pm, Mon-Fri). This surely proves the professors’ willingness to organise their time according to our needs.
In hindsight, I can say that there were times when I thought I did not need one course or another, that no one is good at translating poetry, for instance, so why make efforts? Or that not many were interested in correcting somebody else’s translation errors, so why proofread the translation of a film, as we have? But now that it is all over I feel I have developed so many skills that I surely do not want to rewind the whole tape and cut out anything. Life is a constant challenge and you never know when you need to prove that you are good at all those things. So what has been learnt are now my best assets.

Angela Crăescu,
33, English specialist, Ministry of Defense, MTTLC 2007-2009


I knew about Professor Lidia Vianu’s translation programme from my first year of studies, when I was working in the PR office of the University of Bucharest and I got hold of several of her books.
It is, as far as I know, the only literary translation programme which deals with poetry and offers.
Almost all of the subjects taught were interesting, even if at first I was not familiar with some of the study areas (e.g. translation for subtitles).
I think the programme lays a solid theoretrical foundation for those who want to practise and professional translators, and it also deals with the practical aspects of this profession. I am a professional in another field but should I chose to pursue translation as a day-to-day profession I am sure this MA programme would help me.
Most of all I like the many opportunites to practise, to participate in internships, to translate for magazines and anthologies.

Ioana Teodorescu,
communication consultant (currently advertising account manager)
Friends Advertising
graduated 2007
admitted to the MA programme in 2008
age 24


I entered this MA programme the same year I graduated from university, 2008. I had found out about the programme during the 3rd year of my undergraduate studies and it instantly appealed to me because I was very interested in literary translations, and I was looking for postgraduate studies that would allow me to focus on the practical part of a training in philology.
As an undergraduate, I studied English and Portuguese, and the focus was placed on the theoretical part. In order to pursue a career in the cultural field, I wanted to get better acquainted with the practical aspects, and this MA has succeeded in allowing me to do just that. I have come into contact with poets, fiction writers, editors and other people who work in the literary field and from I had the opportunity to learn a lot. The programme offered what I had expected from it, and expanded my horizons.

Lavinia Zainea,
23 years old
MA student
Graduated in 2008/enrolled into the programme in 2008


Drawing on Stephen Zweig's idea with his Sternstunden der Menschheit (or the Decisive Moments in History), I may say as well that my encounter with the Master in the Translation of the Contemporary Literary Text was a decisive moment in my life, albeit with a rather astral tinge than a well reasoned and well planned one.
My first professional training was in chemical engineering but the 1989 shift led me gradually towards another career: that of translator;—now I am a full time technical translator. However, I mentioned the word 'astral'—meaning 'astral moments' actually—because, once settled in my new profession, after years of intense self-study, my life entered a certain path which ended up with my launching in literary translation and the study of English philology. It all started with a few modules in General English at the British Council in Bucharest and the Cambridge Advanced English and the Cambridge Proficiency in English examinations.
While studying for the CPE, I was already contemplating taking master studies in translation. Cristiana Cobliş, the President of the Romanian Association ATR ( ) had the kindness to pass me the information on the master studies in translation unfolding at the time under the auspices of the Babeş Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and the University of Bucharest.
No sooner had I found out about the master studies led by Professor Lidia Vianu than I started to prepare myself for admission. What attracted me to Mrs Vianu's MA programme in the first place was the fact that it featured just one foreign language as an admission requirement, and English was among the languages encompassed by the programme. Had it not been for this little detail, I might as well have taken up another MA unfolding within the University of Bucharest.
The fact that it was an MA programme concerned with literary translation instead of the more technical orientations did not count much for me—this is how interested I was at the time in enhancing my English language skills and putting them to the test along with my peers in the field. And I was positive too. Between brackets I may say that the time passed and the experience acquired since then have proved my intuition right.
What I mean is the following: I enrolled for the MA programme as a chemical engineer with a fair knowledge of English, and I graduated it as one of the first three students in my generation. I mention this just to pinpoint the effect of the programme on an outsider in as concrete terms as possible. By an outsider I mean someone who had had no previous organised knowledge of philology. A second effect of the MA programme on my career was the spur it gave me to continue studying philology at the University, with an open mind kept to pursuing further doctoral studies in the humanities as well.
In what follows, I am not going to enumerate either the curriculum or the syllabuses. However, this statement of purpose, as it were—since it is not aimed at revealing my intentions but at promoting the MA programme in view of its further integration into larger academic pursuits—, will highlight some of my opinions on it—two years after graduation.
The programme is a dress rehearsal—the teamwork of translators and a crosscheck with the teachers at the University. Such work excels in workshops as well as in guidance from the teachers and the exchange of ideas. A key element here was brought about by the collaboration with native speakers of English.
The MA programme also features a creative component. Many academics, crowning with Professor Lidia Vianu, are talented critics and translators themselves. Then, there is a pool of writers and poets both English and American—and not just that— who manage to leave a classy mark upon the work and collaboration they take on. The students have thus the opportunity to come into contact with theory and practice, literary translation and creative writing, and essay writing and the participation in conferences.
Methodologically, the MA coverage of the theoretical courses is rather broad, both in its span and in its content. The discourse analysis topics span from the first linguistically oriented preoccupations of the human mind launched with the advent of the artificial intelligence, to the present day endeavours in the field. Academically, the presence of visiting professors from other faculties in the University and highly trained specialists in the media, publishing houses and foreign journals and magazines rounds off the endowment of the Master Programme in the Translation of the Contemporary Literary Text.
I am going to conclude this statement of purpose by admitting that it was aimed at hinting towards a possible and desirable integration of the Romanian MA programme into other European MA programmes. I might be asked why it is that I think this so important. In my view, each nation has a definite mark which it may carve onto other national essences. By integrating students from the country of Romania—a country spanning between the East and the West—the cultural endeavours at the European level are bound to enrich themselves with a unique flavour of creativity, inspiration and spirituality.

Valentina-Monica Barba,
51 years old, Translator CEPROCIM SA, Bucharest.

I found out about this MA programme from one of my former university colleagues. She told me this MA gave one a true insight into the art of translation.
After I got in the programme, one of the many things I liked about it was the desire of the Director, Lidia Vianu, to give us every opportunity of putting into practice what we had learned up to that moment. Thus began a series of internships,which are still going on, at various publishing houses, theaters, organizations, magazines, journals etc.
The MA organization was very efficient: we had young specialists in the field, who imparted their knowledge to us, and I consider myself lucky to have enrolled in the programme; moreover, the topics covered were very up-to-date, challenging, from various fields (literature, art, journalism, theatre etc.) enabling us to further enrich our cultural background and improve our translation skills.
In addition to this, it is my firm belief that this MA has thoroughly prepared us all for the challenges of the translations market; we have become acquainted with various methods of translation, we've attended several workshops held by renowned Romanian writers and translators.We've also had the opportunity of discussing with several editors-in-chief of Romanian journals and some of us have even got a job with some of the publishing houses.
All in all, I consider this MA programme one of the best choices in my life and I would warmly recommned it to anyone.
Alina-Olimpia Miron,
Teacher of English/ French, freelance translator
"Fides" Center for Foreign Languages,
Graduated in June 2007
Age: 24

BY THE STUDENTS THEMSELVES, 2006-2009 – in Romanian

Pentru mine acest masterat este o binecuvântare. E ca izvorul de apă limpede pe care-l găseşti după un urcuş anevoios pe munte.
Să mă explic. De profesie sunt inginer, de ocupat mă ocup cu traduceri tehnice, iar limba engleză a fost pentru mine – şi este în continuare – o veşnică preocupare pentru perfecţionare. Iar, acum, în cadrul studiilor masterale conduse de doamna profesor doctor Lidia Vianu, am şansa de a înţelege locul muncii mele în tabloul general al profesiei de traducător. Căci, ca în orice domeniu de studiu, nu poţi avansa, nu poţi comunica cu cei cu care împărtăşeşti aceeaşi profesie dacă nu lansezi punţi de legătură. Ori, studiile aprofundate în domeniul traducerilor literare reprezintă cea mai bună cale în acest sens, atât din punct de vedere teoretic, cât şi practic.
Pe de o parte e un popas, un moment de linişte când, în loc să te concentrezi urcând de unul singur, te opreşti o clipă, îmbrăţişezi cu privirea priveliştea pe care ai acumulat-o în minte şi în suflet în atâţia ani de muncă, şi schimbi impresii. Pe de altă parte e o repetiţie în culise – o muncă în echipă cu noi traducătorii şi o verificare cu mentorii noştri, profesori în cadrul Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine şi nu numai. Aici totul contează: fiecare curs, fiecare atelier, fiecare îndrumare, fiecare schimb de idei. E stupul de albine din care o lume aşteaptă mierea cea dulce: traducerea literară, hrană pentru minte şi suflet.
Doamna profesor doctor Lidia Vianu a reuşit să dea suflet grupului nostru de traducători. Da, să dea un suflet şi nu doar să-l însufleţească. Un suflet de grup pe care sunt sigură că-l vom purta cu noi până la sfârşit. Sufletul grupului nostru este literatura contemporană britanică, atât în înţelegerea ei în ansamblu, cât mai ales în demersul anevoios al traducerii. Al unei traduceri cu har pe care doamna profesoară reuşeşte să ne-o inspire.
Ca abordare metodologică, studiile masterale de traducerea textului literar, în cazul nostru concret, traducerea literaturii contemporane britanice, acoperă un domeniu foarte larg de orientări teoretice, a căror evoluţie chiar şi pe plan mondial a luat o amploare desebită doar de câteva decenii – ca efect al cercetărilor orientate spre crearea inteligenţei artificiale.
Sub aspect tehnic, disciplinele de curs cuprind o paletă largă de preocupări teoretice, de la teoria analizei de discurs la teoria traducerii. Nu mai mică este contribuţia studiilor de aprofundare a cunoştinţelor de stilistică – atât a limbii române, cât şi a limbii engleze. Aici aş vrea să mă opresc puţin, pentru a accentua rolul deosebit de important pe care îl are participarea unor cadre universitare de specialitate, respectiv doamna profesor doctor Rodica Zafiu din cadrul Facultăţii de Litere, şi domnul profesor doctor James Brown, profesor de origine scoţiană din cadrul Facultăţii de Limbi şi Literaturi Străine, ambele facultăţi aparţinând Universităţii din Bucureşti, în formarea noastră ca viitori traducători de literatură.
Caracterul cu totul special al acestor studii masterale provine din acel aspect care ar putea fi definit ca latura creativă a acestora. Sub îndrumarea doamnei Lidia Vianu – talentată traducătoare de literatură, critic literar şi profesor de prestigiu – precum şi a întregului colectiv de cadre universitare care împreună alcătuiesc Centrul pentru Traducerea şi Interpretarea Textului Contemporan (CTITC), noi, întregul grup de masteranzi, asistăm şi participăm nemijlocit la procesul de transformare a literaturii universale – printr-una dintre ramurile ei cele mai fertile, şi anume literatura contemporană britanică – într-un produs cultural autentic, destinat publicului românesc. Acest lucru doar, şi este o onoare şi o bucurie de netăgăduit, dar în acelaşi timp şi o provocare.
Până acum totul e cât se poate de frumos, însă răsplata adevărată a muncii va apărea odată cu primele traduceri publicate şi cu primii cititori ai acestora. Pe care sperăm să îi aflăm nu numai în ţară – în limba română –, ci şi afară, în întreaga lume – cititori de literatură română contemporană în limba engleză. Aceasta este una dintre speranţele noastre, şi flacăra ei ar merita purtată mai departe prin organizarea unor echipe de lucru mixte, cu vorbitori nativi ai limbii engleze, care să ne ajute să ne “naturalizăm” traducerile în limba engleză. Un prim asemenea pas a şi fost făcut pentru noi de către Institutul Cultural Român. Iar acesta este încă un lucru pentru care sunt recunoscătoare şi mulţumesc cu toată sinceritatea atât Institutului, cât şi întregului colectiv de profesori din cadrul studiilor de master în traducerea textului literar contemporan.

Valentina-Monica Barba
Cred ca masteratul de traduceri literare coordonat de Prof. Dr. Lidia Vianu este cea mai buna alegere dintre toate programele masterale oferite de Facultatea de Limbi si Literaturi Straine Bucuresti.
Eu am avut surpriza placuta sa observ ca inca din primul semestru am fost tratati ca niste profesionisti, am fost inclusi intr-o multitudine de proiecte cu institutii culturale (Institutul Cultural Roman, TVR, Radio Romania Cultural) si ca am avut sansa deosebita de a lucra un semestru intreg cu vorbitori nativi de limba engleza, al caror ajutor a fost de nepretuit.
Oferta de cursuri a masteratului acopera atat partea teoretica cat si cea practica, si, personal, pot spune acum, cand ma apropii, ca si colegii mei, de finalizarea acestui program masteral, ca am instrumentele necesare pentru a trata profesionist o traducere literara. Iar asta este mare lucru.

Andreea Diaconu
27 iunie 2007

contesina manole-mosoia wrote:
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 03:07:56 -0700 (PDT)
From: contesina manole-mosoia
Subject: multumiri multumiri multumiri
To: lidia vianu

stimata doamna profesor,

si noi va multumim! sunt convinsa ca fiecare coleg(a) din grupa noastra gandeste ca acest masterat a fost un lucru minunat: a reprezentat un timp petrecut ascultand (si lucrand cu) profesori care si-au facut meseria cu pasiune, au fost bine pregatiti si au avut un rol cu o mare incarcatura - sa impleteasca partea teoretica si cea practica astfel incat sa ne ofere cat mai multe dimensiuni ale traducerilor literare. vedeti, deja vorbesc la timpul trecut (si nu imi place ca am ajuns sa il folosesc!)

concepte si metode practice au fost balansate cu inteligenta, pentru a ne convinge ca a traduce un text inseamna nu doar sa cauti sensuri si exprimarea cea mai potrivita, ci si sa circuli cu dibacie intre doua lumi, doua culturi (uneori si intre doua epoci).

eu am venit cu mare placere la cursurile la care programul mi-a permis sa ajung. si mi se intampla un lucru minunat: desi se intampla sa vin la facultate dupa o zi istovitoare cateodata, imi dadeam seama (la sfarsitul cursului) ca orice urma de oboseala disparuse intre timp! cred ca aceasta este cea mai buna dovada pentru calitatea cursurilor si a profesorilor! dupa cum v-am spus si ieri, pentru noi acest masterat o fost o oaza in miez de bucuresti!

va multumim inca o data, fiindca ati conceput un masterat care este nu doar un instrument util si firesc in mediul universitar, ci un masterat la care studentii vin cu drag si pe care l-au parasit improspatati spiritual!

cu respect si imensa simpatie,


Daniela Oancea wrote:
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 23:22:26 +0300
From: "Daniela Oancea"
To: "Lidia Vianu"

Draga d-na Vianu,

Cred ca nu vorbesc doar in numele meu cand spun ca placerea orelor de la acest masterat a fost de partea mea. Pentru mine nu se putea sa am parte de ceva mai bun, si va multumesc din suflet pentru toata grija, indrumarea si sfaturile mai mult decat pretioase pe care mi le-ati dat.
Imi pare rau ca s-a terminat masterul, dar sper sa putem mentine legatura, cel putin prin e-mail. Eu o sa am o perioada mai lejera, si as vrea sa mai colaborez la revista. De altfel, daca aveti nevoie de ajutor cu orice altceva, please let me know. I'd be more than happy to help. :)

Cu drag,

Valentina-Monica Barba wrote:
From: "Valentina-Monica Barba"
To: "'Lidia Vianu'"
Subject: Multumiri
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 20:34:58 +0300
Stimata doamna profesor,
Va multumesc inca o data pentru tot: increderea acordata la admitere, suportul pe tot parcursul anului, deschiderea extraordinara pe care o aveti si care impresioneaza in mod deosebit pe absolut toata lumea pe care o ‘atingeti’ cu personalitatea dumneavoastra, si nu in ultimul rand pentru suportul de astazi in fata comisiei si bineinteles a domnului James Brown, pe care sunt sigura ca faptul ca nu pot inca sa ma exprim prin speaking asa cum desigur ca doresc sa ajung sa o fac il va fi facut sa incerce un sentiment neplacut. Am reusit sa imi dau seama ca britanicii sunt foarte sensibili, ca sa nu mai spun exigenti, la felul in care le este vorbita limba.
In fine, va multumesc pentru exemplul pe care mi l-ati oferit cu atata caldura, pentru inspiratie si pentru indemnul si curajul pe care mi l-ati dat de a merge mai departe. intr-adevar daca voi reusi sa invat sa vorbesc bine chiar as dori si sa predau la un moment dat.
Cu mult drag, respect si recunostinta,
PS Imi cer scuze ca nu am raspuns la emailul de ieri ‘bravo, monica’: m-a coplesit si am preferat sa dau curs emotiei si starii febrile de dinaintea unui examen, relaxarii pe care mi-ar fi cerut-o scrierea unui astfel de email de multumire.
eugen micsa wrote:
Date: Sat, 30 Jun 2007 06:33:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: eugen micsa
Subject: Multumiri
To: Lidia Vianu
Doamna Vianu, as fi vrut sa va spun lucrurile astea personal, dar nu vreau sa pierd momentul. Nici sa fiu prea patetic, totusi. Vreau doar sa va multumesc pentru anul petrecut impreuna. Sunt sigur ca a fost masterul ideal pentru mine si poate ca nu am progresat cat as fi vrut, dar stiu ca undeva, adanc, m-a influentat foarte mult. Si eu sper sa pastram legatura, si in ceea ce tine de mine si de posibilitatile mele, va asigur de pe acum de potentialul meu ajutor, sau colaborare.
Toate cele bune!
Eugen Micsa
Gabi wrote:
Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 15:16:18 +0200 (E. Europe Standard Time)
From: "Gabi"
Subject: Reactii master

Doamna profesoara,

Intentionam sa va scriu imediat dupa examenul cu dumneavoastra, dar poate ca e mai bine sa o fac acum, pentru ca am mai multe de spus. Imi cer scuze ca recurg la o lista, insa subiectele sunt diferite si mi-ar fi greu altfel sa fac treceri de la unul la altul.

Astept cu nerabdare sa incepem cursurile cu dna Roseti! Este unul din motivele principale pentru care am ales acest masterat. Acum, dupa un semestru, imi dau seama ce superficiala am putut sa fiu! Sunt atatea lucruri interesante pe care le-am ascultat, vazut ori citit in numai cateva luni de cand am inceput, incat imi e rusine sa mai spun acum ca am venit pentru... subtitrare de film. Cand am ales masteratul acesta, subtitrarea de film mi s-a parut singurul lucru concret ori aplicat. Mea culpa pentru asta! Nu pot nici daca mi-as scotoci in suflet dupa o urma de rautate sa spun nici macar un lucru care sa nu-mi fi folosit din ce am facut in aceste luni! Am descoperit cu surprindere ca totul este aplicat, ca toti profesorii isi orienteaza cursurile catre practica, lucreaza pe exemple, iar "combinatia" de cursuri este variata si atragatoare. Chiar dumneavoastra, in discutiile cu invitatii, aduceti discutia catre aceeasi tema: cum anume pot masteranzii sa-si utilizeze cunostintele pentru a lucra in domeniul x sau y?
Ma vad, prin urmare, nevoita sa-mi cer scuze ca am fost atat de simpla in gandire la inceput.
Regret ca, fiind absolventa de filologie, nu pot face un masterat si pe interpretariat de conferintsa, unde se cer doua limbi straine... Dar, cine stie? Poate in viitor voi gasi ceva asemanator ori poate ma va ajuta ceva din cursurile de la acest masterat!

Cand ati deschis cursurile de masterat, le-am ascultat cu atentie pe fetele care au terminat anul trecut: Gabi, Andreea... Una din ele a spus ca noi suntem niste fericiti pentru ca facem doi ani, nu unul. Ii dau dreptate! Daca am fi terminat in vara asta, as fi ramas cu acelasi sentiment: ca mai sunt multe de spus si se termina cand nici n-a inceput bine.

Va multumesc pentru tot ce ne-ati invatat si pentru tot ce, fara sa stiti, a insemnat masteratul acesta pentru mine, in niste momente mai dificile.

Gabriela Moldovan